Oh, the Adventures We Can Have!
Who needs one? After all, your sister’s friend’s college student daughter said she would do it for practically nothing! Unfortunately, your sister’s friend’s daughter thought this was her vacation too, and you ended up feeling you had another child with you to entertain.
Travel is definitely one of my passions. In 2003, I came to the a family in Westport, Ct to help with their two month old daughter. I came for an eight week contract and traveled with them for 3 years! It was a most unusual arrangement as I would still take off for my other jobs, get a sub for me and come back. Why? Because for three years I got to travel with them to places I couldn’t even dream of visiting. I learned a lot of valuable tips along the way.
Oh, the places our luggage can go!
While arriving a few days early to bond with the family is the ideal situation, I have met the family for the first time at the airport or hotel. When it is a family I have traveled with before, it like a reunion of friends and the children are excited to see me.
A good travel nanny helps keep the family’s stress level down as they get to the airport, go through security and wait for flights that may be delayed, so that the trip can start without everyone being frazzled. I am always looking as we walk for restrooms, keeping the time schedule in mind so babies are changed and toddlers/children have a chance to use the restroom before boarding. I don’t mind that you’re in business class and I’m in coach with the children. A good travel nanny understands jet lag and can offer you tips on how to help children adjust.
Dress up night on the cruise ship
When the time comes you just want a family day, I know how to disappear and entertain myself. I am always cheerful and positive no matter what the situation.
Yes, it is more expensive when you have to include another person’s airfare, food, lodging and salary. But you have already invested in taking this great vacation, so consider this expense your insurance policy!
Nanny Donna and her Aussie Lad Ollie
Every nanny may want to travel, but the reality is that it is hard work to make sure your family has a great time. I take that responsibility very seriously.
Sometimes my clients have said, “But we don’t go anywhere exotic, it’s usually Disney World or travel in the US!” When our grandsons were 5 & 7, we started taking them on yearly adventure trips so I could talk to families about vacations in the United States. We have done road trips from NY to Niagara Falls to Montreal and back through Vermont. We have traveled by train across country to see the Grand Canyon and visit Lego Land in California. My favorite trip was last year’s trip to Alaska. It was their first long flight trip but the younger kids start traveling, the better they travel for long trips. In Alaska, we challenged their attention span as we traveled by car around Alaska.Success is all in the planning! I can say without any reservation that traveling in the US is wonderful! There are so many terrific things here to show our children!
I have traveled with families on cruises, Long plane trips (think 17 hours) and car trips. So while the college student may say she wants the job, the question is: can she do the job?